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Luigi's Box for Business

Discover how Luigi's Box works for Businesses

Learn more about how various e-commerce business owners benefit from our advanced features. What should you focus on the most? Why is intelligent search software crucial? What other features does your website need to rank among the best? This and much more you can read on the following pages. We have also prepared detailed reports about our success stories.

Luigi's Box will help you with every struggle.


Luigi's Box also supports agencies. Thanks to our features, agencies can offer clients even better e-shops and services. Read more here.


Our advanced features are suitable for Enterprises as well. How has Luigi's Box Autocomplete feature helped one of the biggest mobile operators in Slovakia? Click here to learn more.

Startups & SMBs

Discover how Luigi's Box can help Startups on their way to success and what is possible to achieve with our advanced features.


Even the largest sellers with many brick-and-mortar stores understood the importance of having an online store. Read more about what will Luigi's Box implementation bring you.


Learn more about the best LBX features for corporates and why is an advanced search solution a must.


What should relevant search solution for online marketplaces do? Discover the benefits of an advanced search and its features.